[neomutt-users] Configure neomutt as default for mailto://

philipp at thumfart.info philipp at thumfart.info
Wed Jul 14 20:09:45 CEST 2021

Dear all,

I'm currently trying to configure neomutt as the default application for mailto in Arch Linux using i3 as a WM. So far I have created a neomutt.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/ with the following content:

> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=neomutt
> GenericName=neomutt
> Icon=mail-client
> Exec=neomutt %u
> Terminal=true
> Type=Application
> Categories=Utility;TextEditor;
> MimeType=x-scheme-handler/mailto;
> NoDisplay=true
> StartupNotify=false

Furhtermore, I have included the following entries in .config/mimeapps.list:

> x-scheme-handler/mailto=neomutt.desktop
> application/mbox=neomutt.desktop
> message/rfc822=neomutt.desktop

Furthermore, I have also declared neomutt as the default application using xdg-settings using:

> xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto neomutt.desktop

Now, when using "xdg-open mailto:test at test.com" or clicking on a mailto link in my browser (vivaldi-stable), this will open another tab in my browser. When using "xdg-email test at test.com" it will open neomutt compose view, which is what I want, but after aborting or sending the e-mail, it will also open a tab in my browser.

Unfortunatly I don't know what else I can do so mailto or xdg-email does not open my browser but will only open mutt instead. Does anybody have any idea what I could check to find what is causing this issue?

Many thanks!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
With kind regards

Mag. Philipp S. Thumfart

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