[neomutt-users] toggling values with ":set opt!"

Sven Guckes neomutt-lists at guckes.net
Wed Nov 11 04:29:15 CET 2020

* Piotr Martyniuk <zaxonxp45 at gmail.com> [2020-11-11 00:56]:
> macro index,pager .v "<enter-command>set implicit_autoview=yes<enter>i<enter>" "View the HTML converted to text"
> macro index,pager .V "<enter-command>set implicit_autoview=no<enter>i<enter>" "Disable HTML conversion to text"

wouldnt it be nice to *toggle* boolean yes/no options?
for example, vim has the syntax ":set option!" for this.

then Piotr's commands could be merged into a single command:

  macro index,pager .v ":set implicit_autoview!<enter>i<enter>" "toggle implicit_autoview"

(sure.. two explicit commands for ON and OFF have its benefits, too.)

also, vim has short names for many options,
eg implicit_autoview  could be "iav", and
so the toggle command could be ":set iab!".

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