[neomutt-users] A working neomutt notmuch example
Stefan Kropp
stefan.kropp at vlug-hessen.de
Sun Nov 5 19:10:08 CET 2017
Am Sonntag, den 05.11.2017 um 11:36:41 +0100 schrieb juh:
> Hi all,
Hello juh,
I'm a new notmuch-user. Anyway, I will try to help you.
See my config below.
> yesterday and today I tried to setup offlineimap, notmuch and mutt. I
> browsed the web for configuration hints, but I think I'll give it up.
> These parts are working:
> offlineimap downloads all my accounts, putting them into ~/Mail in
> Maildir format
> notmuch is installed and is working.
> With the emacs interface I can search for the messages
> So if I fail to use the combination notmuch+mutt I simply use this setup
> to backup my mails from time to time.
> I don't get neomutt working with notmuch.
> I tried a lot. I found configurations for the old mutt which kinda works
> with neomutt. Simple searches eg.
> At last I consulted the neomutt website when I realized that neomutt has
> a native interface to notmuch.
> https://www.neomutt.org/feature/notmuch
> But the neomuttrc under point 8 does not work.
> If I comment out offending parameters I get one huge virtual folder with
> a lot of emails. I don't think that this is the intended usecase.
> Can anyone share a working configuration for notmuch+neomutt?
I use neomutt with getmail / procmail. My mails are stored in ~/.maildir/
Mails will be stored in maildir-folders. By default .Archiv/<MM>-<YYYY>/
Mails from Mailinglists will be stored in .Mailinglist.<Name>/
# neomutt configuration
set nm_default_uri = "notmuch:///home/<user>/.maildir"
set virtual_spoolfile=yes
virtual-mailboxes "My-INBOX" "notmuch://?query=tag:inbox"
virtual-mailboxes "My-ToDo" "notmuch://?query=tag:todo"
virtual-mailboxes "My-unread" "notmuch://?query=tag:unread"
virtual-mailboxes "NeoMutt" "notmuch://?query=tag:NeoMutt"
virtual-mailboxes "Familie" "notmuch://?query=tag:Familie"
# notmuch
It looks notmuch will tag all new mails with 'inbox'-tag.
I created a config file for tagging "~/.notmuch-tagging".
-inbox +NeoMutt -- folder:.Mailingliste.NeoMutt-Devel
-inbox +NeoMutt -- folder:.Mailingliste.NeoMutt-Users
All mails in Mailinglist-folders, the 'inbox'-tag will be removed. I wouldn't
like to have the mails in my inbox. For mails from 'NeoMutt'-mailinglist, I will
create a tag 'NeoMutt'.
Mails from family I will tag like this:
+Familie from:mama at domain.de
+Familie from:papa at domain.de
... lot of tagging rules ...
I use a script to get and tag the mails:
getmails;notmuch new; notmuch tag --batch --input=$HOME/.notmuch-tagging
I can use the virtual-mailboxes to switch between the tags.
> juh
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Stefan Kropp
Virtuellen Linux User Group Hessen http://www.vlug-hessen.de
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