[neomutt-users] Query: Attach file

Floyd Anderson f.a at 31c0.net
Thu Aug 10 21:36:06 CEST 2017

On Do, 10 Aug 17:06:12 +0200
Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie at lxtec.de> wrote:
>* Andrew Duchowski <aduchow at clemson.edu> [2017-08-10 10:28 -0400]:
>> To elaborate on this earlier email, what appears to have
>> happened is that after attaching a file from some directory,
>> neomutt forgets the path.  The next attach command points
>> to INBOX.  When it was working, neomutt would remember
>> where the last attachment came from.
>I can confirm this behaviour. And that isn't what we really want to
>have. I don't know which version worked like it should.

Just to mention a different experience and expected behaviour on earlier 
versions — I’m using ‘mbox_type=Maildir’ and ‘mask="."’ and I *cannot* 
confirm the described issue for:

  - NeoMutt 20170428 (1.8.2)
  - NeoMutt 20170602 (1.8.3)

Both starts in current working directory (on new mail) or in the current 
mailbox (on a reply) when hitting ‘a’ for the first time. After changing 
directory (/tmp in my case) and attaching ‘/tmp/file1’ NeoMutt starts in 
/tmp again for browsing the next attachment.

Changing directories with ‘change-dir’ or cursor keys and ‘select-entry’ 
on ‘../’ item to navigate to the target location makes no difference and 
even when I cancel navigation by ‘exit’ the browser menu NeoMutt reminds 
that location (where exiting).

>So a in my case a bisect doesn't make sense, though .....

There are a lot of commits between NeoMutt 20170602 (1.8.3) and
NeoMutt/20170714 (1.8.3) (extracted from Andrew’s User-Agent string). 

Maybe I’ll try it when I can confirm the issue on my next update but to 
be honest I’m not in a hurry currently due to a lack of some spare time.


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