[neomutt-users] how to deal with multiple address + gpg key pairs in neomutt?

ng0 contact.ng0 at cryptolab.net
Fri Apr 28 20:41:58 CEST 2017

ng0 transcribed 1.0K bytes:
> Hi,
> I think this is not covered by the documentation. If it is, please
> point me to the section.
> I have multiple keys and address pairs in use.
> It's mostly very transparent already so I can write it here:
> There are 6 keys I use effectively.
> 2 which are obsolete.
> 4 which are regulary in use.
> Most of them cover addresses which repeat, so the key+address pair is
> not unique (but the key is, of course).

Actually this makes the key+address pair unique. What is not unique
are the addresses. I receive a message, it can be either
the rsa key or the ed25519 key.

> Now my question: I have set the default key for pgp in the muttrc,
> but is it possible to solve this situation by provding something
> in neomutt where I can simply select keys in the box for it?
> Right now I'm typing my keys to use in manually and I assume that
> a message which arrives here and which I then have decrypted to
> reply will also be encrypted by the same key and not with the
> default key.
> Going beyond my question: take a look at what
> Enigmail (icedove/thunderbird) does with the partnership
> development of prettyEasyprivacy integration and try to
> come up with an pEp integration for neomutt.
> -- 
> PGP and more: https://people.pragmatique.xyz/ng0/

PGP and more: https://people.pragmatique.xyz/ng0/

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