[neomutt-devel] Feature: Compose Preview Message

Dennis Schön mail at dennis-schoen.de
Mon Dec 2 19:19:49 CET 2024

Hi Ismael,

On 02.12.2024 17:58, Ismael Bouya via neomutt-devel wrote:
> Thanks, it’s a nice feature!
> I made some tests with it, most of what seems lacking is already mentionned
> as "later" in the PR, so no need to repeat. Two points:

Thanks for the feedback!

> - (cosmetic) The attachment section starts with
>   "-- Attachments" (one space)
>   while the "preview" section starts with
>   "--Preview" (no space)

Good catch, we stared at that for quite a while and never noticed. :D
I'll fix it to match the attachment section.

> - The preview is not "the message", but whatever is "first" in the list
>   of attachment items (usually the message, true). If you move around
>   the attachments in the list, it doesn’t refresh immediately. But if
>   you switch screen (by pressing "?" followed by "q" for instance) then
>   the preview will refresh.
>   Could maybe "the first inline attachment" be shown? Or "the file
>   currently highlighted in the attachments list"?
>   Not sure what’s the best option here, a pdf preview for instance looks
>   kind of garbage :p

Oh wow, I didn't think about reordering the attachments. I'll have a think about it.

>   Maybe the best option would be to show whatever the pager shows in
>   normal conditions? (is that feasible?)

No. :-) Unfortunately the pager is a big legacy beast that can't be embedded into a window.

Thanks again,

Dennis Schön

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