[neomutt-devel] Refactor Compose Screen

Pietro Cerutti gahr at gahr.ch
Thu Mar 26 14:10:35 CET 2020

On Mar 26 2020, 12:58 UTC, Richard Russon <rich at flatcap.org> wrote:
>I've been refactoring the Compose Screen to improve the UI.
>- https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/pull/2198
>- Branch [devel/compose]
>- Compose dialog uses multiple Windows
>- To: and Cc: fields now span two lines
>- To: and Cc: are now wrapped at address boundaries
>- To:, Cc: and Bcc: fields indicate overflow with (+3 more)
>To do:
>- Truly fluid layout -- expand Envelope section to fit contents
>Comments welcome.

I love it so far, it's a great step towards a more modern user 
experience. I'll love it even more when the TODO is done :)

Thank you!

Pietro Cerutti

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