[neomutt-devel] Issue labels / Waffle Board
z+mutt+neomutt at m0g.net
Sun Jan 29 19:03:01 CET 2017
On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 06:36:33PM +0100, toogley at mailbox.org wrote:
> another suggestion:
> we could rename status:discussion to status:discuss
no issue with that
> > in terms of ontology, you have three main types of issues:
> > - bug: when someone report an unexpected behaviour (usually expected
> > behaviour is defined by the documentation… a crash being a special
> > case of unexpected behaviour ☺) ;
> > - enhancement: a way to extend the behaviour of the software
> I disagree here. IMHO also e.g. improving the automatization of a
> project management thing is an enhancement - generally speaking, an
> enhancement is not specific to the behavior of the software (e.g. what
> the user sees when using it)
the main thing we're working is the software, so every enhancement to
building it, testing it, CI-ing it… affects the behaviour of the
software. TBH, PM stuff we're discussing is more fitting in discussion
stuff. As a rationale: if @ghar doesn't care about it, it's a discussion
> > | (pool) | backlog | in progress | ready | (closed) |
> Hm, but why do we have to stick with the traditional kanban columns? I completely understand and like flatcap's request.
it was just to baseline the discussion. I think "backlog" is a good fit
because unlike "planned", we can interpret it the way we want.
> > Ideally, I'd love that waffle would support filtering issues, so that we
> > could exclude all type:question (and maybe even status:discussion) from
> > the kanban, as well as milestone:blue-sky.
> yeah that would be great.
we should then make a feature request ☺
> > On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 10:16:26AM +0100, toogley at mailbox.org wrote:
> > a better one would be a "help wanted" tag, a bit like the "easy" one, so
> > it's not used for our own process, but for advertising the issue. That
> > way, we could consider having a list of issues to be featured on the
> > neomutt.org website filtered by either tag.
> Agreed. But what would be the distinction between the "easy" label and "help wanted". I consider those redundant.
not really, you can show off help wanted on tough to do issues, easy are
just for newcomers. My first patches were'nt all on "easy" tasks.
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