[neomutt-devel] Reviewers
z+mutt+neomutt at m0g.net
Sun Jan 29 17:07:43 CET 2017
On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 04:48:35PM +0100, Guillaume Brogi wrote:
> > Once a piece of code has been finished, you can add a comment:
> > @neomutt/reviewers code ready for review
> >
> Rather than a comment, could we make it a tag? Then in waffle, we can
> have all issues with that tag in one column so that it's easy to see
> what needs checking.
I'd say both, we might need to be pinged when a committer has finished
to write his PR, sadly the committer can't change things the label, so
while skimming through the mail, having a "I'm done" comment won't hurt! ☺
> > Code will need approval from two reviewers before it will be merged.
> > (you can't review your own code :-) Once it has the OK of two
> > reviewers, one of them can commit the code.
> Is there a way to automatically change tags once two reviewers have
> approved?
well, I guess there should be github bots that can be programmed for
that kind of stuff, but for the time being KISS:
> That way, it goes from the "to review" column to the "ready
> for merge" one.
drag from the status:review column to the status:ready column ☺
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