[neomutt-devel] Issue labels / Waffle Board
z+mutt+neomutt at m0g.net
Sun Jan 29 15:53:47 CET 2017
Here I'm answering to both toogley's mails, so let's start with the no
brainer ones: Because my first mail was too long, here's part #1:
On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 09:47:40AM +0100, toogley at mailbox.org wrote:
> > * Can we shorted some of the names?
> > has-attached: -> has: or attached:
> Hm.. They were initially so short and i've rewritten them to be more
> explicit - i liked it better that way. But on the other hand, the
> meaning isn't lost when we would use has: or attached: - therefore i
> don't mind the transition.
I'm agnostic about this. I guess shorter (while explicit) is better.
Also technically, people tend to provide technical details in <pre>
blocks inline, than adding an attachment.
So my vote goes for `has:` alone.
> > On the waffle site, the labels are taking up a lot of space.
> > * Change spaces in labels to hyphens
> > When the labels appear in a URI, the spaces become %20's which looks a
> > bit messy.
> Ah, yeah. +1
yup, it makes it better as well when writing queries using Github API
(and upcoming git-repo one… though, having spaces and colons in
neomutt's labels helped me make sure I handled well those edge cases ☺).
> > * Could we change the colour of docs:*?
> > The colour's a quite close to that of the bugs:*
> +1
> > * Add a new label: bug:regression
> > This means that neo/mutt used to work correctly, but now doesn't.
> > The label should only be applied when we have a known old version that
> > used to work (meaning we can 'git bisect').
> +1
> > "more info from user" -> "more info"
> I also made this change, because i wanted to make clear that the
> reporting user has to do something - before we can further work on
> this issue. (its kind of a "blocker" label)
I'm opinion less about this. What's important is to be able to identify
in one glance what needs to be taken care of, and what's stalled waiting
on more details from the user. Maybe:
→ needs:user
→ needs:members
could be better suited to identify the lifecycle of a
question/discussion issue?
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