[neomutt-devel] Bug Fix Week

Richard Russon rich at flatcap.org
Sun Jan 29 12:57:34 CET 2017

> > +1 what about also starting with the oldest bugs we have in github -
> > to make sure they aren't forgotten?

hehe, there are a couple of the old bugs that probably won't get fixed
ever.  They're to do with incorrect colours.

They might need moving into the "blue-sky" category.

> One important reason to do that is, that sometimes problems solve
> themself.

Yes, I noticed that you'd commented asking, "Does this still happen?"

> propose to ask on old bug reports if they are still relevant.

There are a couple of others, tagged  "more info" that have gone quiet

I'll add these ideas to my "triage" job description.

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