[neomutt-devel] Issue labels / Waffle Board
toogley at mailbox.org
toogley at mailbox.org
Sun Jan 29 10:16:26 CET 2017
> We've got a set of labels to categorise the issues and a kanban
> (waffle.io) to keep track of their progress:
> https://www.neomutt.org/dev/issue-labels
> https://waffle.io/neomutt/neomutt
> I have a few questions / suggestions...
I have also a suggestion:
Can we replace the "needs:help" tag with the habit of assigning people to issues if they work on that? (and remove that also if they don't anymore)
I mean when nobody has been assigned to the issue, that means kind of that we don't know how to solve that one or are lacking time to work on it. Therefore, IMHO the lack of an issue assignation automatically tells that we need help on that.
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