[neomutt-devel] limiting to attachments by kind

Sven Guckes neomutt-lists at guckes.net
Fri Dec 9 19:08:55 CET 2016

* Richard Russon <rich at flatcap.org> [2016-12-09 18:27]:
> > but does anyone have a nice way to select the attachments which are at
> > least of one of these kinds?:
> >   doc/odt/pdf, gif/jpg/png, zip
> No, but extending the "~X" pattern wouldn't be too hard.
> ~X can only be followed by "-", "<", ">" or a digit.
> If anything else was found it could be tried
> as a regex against the attachment filenames.

so this is what we already have:

  ~X >2         more than two attachments
  ~X 3-5        three to five attachments

how to extend, though?

  ~X pdf          with at least one PDF
  ~X pdf ~X doc   with at least one PDF and at least one DOC
  ~X doc,pdf,zip  with at least one of DOC,PDF,ZIP each

like this?


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