[neomutt-devel] [Feature] Compose to sender
Guillaume Brogi
gui-gui at netcourrier.com
Sat Aug 27 12:54:42 CEST 2016
Hello all,
As flatcap asked, I would like to work on the "compose to sender"
enhancement. I went over the old mailing list thread mentioned in the
(http://mutt-dev.mutt.narkive.com/9m8wXNq2/patch-compose-to-sender) and
here is the summary with some of my thoughts (the patch is attached):
- This is NOT a reply but a NEW MAIL to the senders of the tagged
- This patch does not work on tagged message but on the current message
- The patch can be used as a starting point but is old and will need to
be freshened up.
- The main problem I see will be to dedup the mails in case a sender
appears in several of the tagged emails. Does mutt already do
something similar when replying to all the recipients of message where
one person appears in both the To: and the Cc: ?
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