[neomutt-users] Clearing out old config

Richard Russon rich at flatcap.org
Mon Jul 3 15:05:01 CEST 2017

Hi all,

For various historical reasons NeoMutt supports some aliases for config
variables.  For example, both these variables do the same thing:

* pgp_autoencrypt
* crypt_autoencrypt

It's time to start cleaning up our config files...

| OLD NAME               | CORRECT NAME             |
| edit_hdrs              | edit_headers             |
| forw_decode            | forward_decode           |
| forw_decrypt           | forward_decrypt          |
| forw_format            | forward_format           |
| forw_quote             | forward_quote            |
| hdr_format             | index_format             |
| indent_str             | indent_string            |
| mime_fwd               | mime_forward             |
| msg_format             | message_format           |
| post_indent_str        | post_indent_string       |
| print_cmd              | print_command            |
| envelope_from          | use_envelope_from        |
| pgp_autoencrypt        | crypt_autoencrypt        |
| pgp_autosign           | crypt_autosign           |
| pgp_auto_traditional   | pgp_replyinline          |
| pgp_create_traditional | pgp_autoinline           |
| pgp_replyencrypt       | crypt_replyencrypt       |
| pgp_replysign          | crypt_replysign          |
| pgp_replysignencrypted | crypt_replysignencrypted |
| pgp_verify_sig         | crypt_verify_sig         |
| smime_sign_as          | smime_default_key        |
| xterm_icon             | ts_icon_format           |
| xterm_set_titles       | ts_enabled               |
| xterm_title            | ts_status_format         |

If you prefer, here's a sed script:

sed -f fix-old-config.sed ~/.muttrc

The old names will be phased out in the future,
but there will be plenty of warning before then.

    Rich / FlatCap
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