[neomutt-devel] git mailmaps

Richard Russon rich at flatcap.org
Tue Jun 6 13:24:07 CEST 2017

I only briefly mentioned that the mailmap affects git log, too.

If you use the %aN (author name) and %aE (author email) formatting
strings, then the fields will be looked-up in the mailmap.

The internet has thousands of guides and examples to git aliases and
logging, but here's a simple example.  Add this to your git config:

    ln = log --format=named
    lc = log --format=column
    named = %C(204)%h%Creset %s %C(white dim)(%aN)%Creset
    column = %C(204)%h% C(white dim)%<(12,trunc)%aN%Creset %s
	file = ~/management/git/mailmap-nick

$ git ln

e4fed67 docs: remove reference to non-existent file (tsuyubo)
6705a39 Fix crash if no from is set or founds (bitstreamout)
c499ed0 Fix typos in 'color compose' (flatcap)
f9313b1 correct spelling mistake (edwardbetts)
05b4940 correct spelling mistake (edwardbetts)
044cc65 fix ifdef command (flatcap)
065e66f unbind mappings before overwriting in vim-keys (pigmonkey)
0d8ca5b build: allow xsltproc and w3m calls to fail (l2dy)

$ git lc

e4fed67 tsuyubo      docs: remove reference to non-existent file
6705a39 bitstreamout Fix crash if no from is set or founds
c499ed0 flatcap      Fix typos in 'color compose'
f9313b1 edwardbetts  correct spelling mistake
05b4940 edwardbetts  correct spelling mistake
044cc65 flatcap      fix ifdef command
065e66f pigmonkey    unbind mappings before overwriting in vim-keys
0d8ca5b l2dy         build: allow xsltproc and w3m calls to fail

Feel free to share your favourite log format.

Rich / FlatCap

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