[neomutt-devel] Making a Release

Richard Russon rich at flatcap.org
Mon Feb 6 16:07:41 CET 2017

Every release, there's a flurry of activity behind the scenes.
Here's my task list that I go through:


## Schedule

NeoMutt's current development plan is to follow each feature release with a
stabilising bug-fix release.

* 3 weeks of feature development
* 1 week of bug-fixing / stabilisation

## Anticipation

- 1 week heads up to dev mailing list
- Coming soon - list of features to users mailing list
- Merge mutt upstream
- Merge translations
- Waffle - clear "Ready" column

## Preparation

Check these repos for contributors to thank:

- neomutt
- neomutt.github.io
- gentoo-neomutt
- aur-build
- homebrew-neomutt
- travis-build

Check translators for credits

Commit/issue list

- git log
- new-commit.sh
- list of milestone issues


- Update README.neomutt
- Invite new members
- Update my alias list with all contributors
- Update .mailmap for all contributors
  (even if it's just a personal list)


- Update guide
- Update man pages
- Update credits.md
- Update "since" date on new features


- template-changelog.txt
- template-dev-ml.txt
- template-github.txt
- template-rpm.txt
- template-user-ml.txt
- template-website.txt


- Update references to version numbers
  - configure.ac YYYYDDMM, 1.7.2
- ChangeLog.neomutt
- configure.ac (fix date)
- Update neomuttrc.vim with new variables, etc
- Update po files

## Testing


- git fetch github
- ./check_sec.sh
- Build (work cleanly)
  - make
  - make dist
  - make distcheck
  - make install
  - make unintall
  - make -C doc validate
  - make -C po
- neomutt-test-configs.sh
- push to travis
  - check travis
- push to coverity
  - review coverity results
  - fix coverity defects
- need to be done before the day

## Build

Add a signed tag
build (don't use my script)

## Packaging


- make dist -> tar
- diff against mutt-1.7.2
  - test patch apply
  - test build
- filter diff
- create checksum


- Generate release
- Upload assets

## Downstreams

Fedora COPR

- Update spec
  - version number
  - changelog
- build
- test install

MacOS - Homebrew

- update Formula
- push
- check travis


- Update Manifest
- push

## Announcements

GitHub Release

- /cc @neomutt/downstream-packagers

Website News

Install new version of NeoMutt, then send emails using it.
"User Agent:" should show the new version:

- neomutt-users mailing list
- neomutt-devel mailing list
- New users with a link to their name in the credits
- Translators - send them new po files

Update IRC topic

## Post-Release

- Waffle: Archive the "Done" column
- Update milestones
  - next-release -> release-YYYY-MM-DD
  - delayed      -> next-release
  - create "delayed"
- GitHub: delete old branches
- Merge delayed issues

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